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IWA/CC Minutes 05-20-2009
MEMBERS PRESENT:                Betty Warren, John Phillips, Mario Marrero, Carol Heffler, John Blondin

ALTERNATES PRESENT:     Hugh Brower sat for Richard Muller
STAFF PRESENT:                  Jeff Folger, Environmental Planner/Conservation Officer
Donna Thompson, Recording Secretary


Chairperson Warren called the meeting to order at 7:00 pm


ITEM:  MINUTES:  05/06/2009
No action taken.  Tabled until next meeting – June 3, 2009.

Mr. Folger reported that trail building activities at the Sanctuary are going well.

Mr. Folger reported on the relocation of the tiger beetles to the town owned Brickyard property.  To date 150 tiger beetle larvae have been moved and seem to be accepting the new site.  There appears to be a much larger tiger beetle population than anticipated and another location may be needed to accommodate the estimated 600 larvae and adults – the Barton property is a possibility.  When questioned by Commissioner Heffler, Mr. Folger stated that in the fall there will be another chance to move more tiger beetles from the 2.5 acres they occupy now, but that will be the last opportunity and some will inevitably be left behind.

Appl. #09-23W – Town of South Windsor Ball Field Renovation – Ayres Road – Conservation commission application for earth disturbance associated with the renovation of an existing ball field on property located southerly of Ayers Road and westerly of Nevers Road.  Rural Residential (RR) Zone.
Ben Wheeler presented for Liberty Landscaping. 4.81 acres disturbance, all within fence, erosion controls have been in place from beginning:  silt fence, hay bales, gravel dam prior to rain storm recommended by Folger, sod will be put on fields in preparation for fall.  Folger:  very gravelly, water did not run off, ran straight down.  Erosion controls have been maintained properly.  Phillips:  Drainage?  3 drains.  Blondin:  How many drains total?  4 existing, will bury 1, add 3 = 6 Total  

Motion to:  approve Appl. #09-23W – Town of South Windsor Ball Field Renovation
Made by:  Commissioner Heffler
Second:  Commissioner Phillips
The motion carried and the vote was unanimous.

Appl #09-16P Town of South Windsor Firehouse – 765 Sullivan Avenue. - IWA/CC application to construct a public safety facility building, parking, storm water structures, and associated improvements on property located southerly of Sullivan Avenue and easterly of West Road.  General Commercial (GC) Zone.  Continuation from 5/6/09.

Town Manager, Matthew Galligan presented background information as to the choice of this property for the public safety complex and the proposed development of the site.  Mr. Galligan stated that due to the discovery of endangered sedge, the escalating costs and extended length of time involved, the Town Council recommended choosing another site.   The 765 Sullivan Avenue site will provide easy access onto and off of West Road, and possibly, in the future, Sullivan Avenue; the location would provide good response time for emergency personnel; West Road is scheduled to be improved and widened; the firehouse toward the back of the lot will leave the front available for sale (fronting on Sullivan Avenue will be more valuable as commercial property).
Commissioner Marrero expressed concern about the possible future signal light on Sullivan Avenue in regard to encroaching upon wetlands in that area.  Phil Barlow, TO Design, stated that the access to Sullivan Avenue would cross the smallest part of wetland area.  Mr. Folger explained this area would be the most logical choice, with the least amount of disturbance (approximately 50 ft).

Kim Barber, Ecologist with GEI Consultants, reported that mitigation may be potentially controlling invasive species in the area.  Ms. Barber indicated that the project’s planting plan is for native species that will help control the invasive species – Multi-flora Rose, Autumn Olive and Japanese Knot Weed  (very invasive/could be a problem in the future).  Mr. Folger stated the planting schedule is sufficient.

Motion to: close public hearing at 7:45 pm
Was made by: Commissioner Heffler
Seconded by: Commissioner Phillips
The motion carried and the vote was unanimous.

Motion for: a finding of no prudent and feasible alternatives
Was made by: Commissioner Phillips
Seconded by: Commissioner Heffler
The motion carried and the vote was unanimous.

Motion to: approve Appl #09-16P Town of South Windsor Firehouse – 765 Sullivan Avenue
Was made by: Commissioner Heffler
Seconded by: Commissioner Phillips
The motion carried and the vote was unanimous.

Appl. #09-20W – Shepard House Lot – 45 Newberry Road – IWA/Conservation Commission application for the construction of a residential house an associated improvements on property located southerly of Newberry Road and easterly of Main street. A-40 Residential Zone.

Karen Isherwood, Design Professionals, Inc. presented the application with a review of the plan for the development of the property.  The Commissioners questioned the removal of phragmites on the property by some means other than chemical and the wetland impact during the installation of utilities for the

property.  Tim Shepard, the property owner, stated that he did not want to use chemicals and fertilizers, wanted to disturb existing vegetation as little as possible, mow only a small area to the pond and keep the natural ambiance of the property.  Jeff Folger stated that multiple applications of chemical spraying over a period of time are the only way to effectively reduce the presence of this invasive plant.  Mr. Folger also stated that thick vegetation (such as phragmites and cattails) is the best buffer between water and chemicals.
Ms. Isherwood referred to John Ianni’s (Soil Scientist, Highland Soils LLC) report regarding the issue of wetlands disturbance caused by the installation of utilities.  Mr. Folger agreed with Mr. Ianni’s report that direct impact to the wetlands during utilities installation would be temporary.

Motion to:  approve Appl. #09-20W – Shepard House Lot – 45 Newberry Road with conditions:
1.     The application shall indemnify and hold harmless the Town of South Windsor against any liability, which might result from the proposed operation or use.
2.      The permit is valid for five years and shall expire on May 20, 2014.  It is the landowner(s)/applicant(s) responsibility to track expiration dates and notify the Commission of a renewal request at least 65 days prior to expiration.
3.      All additional approvals required must be obtained and submitted prior to any activity on the site.

4.      Show soil types on the plan.

5.      The property owner will work with town staff to create appropriate vegetative buffer.

6.      A bond shall be collected in the amount of $2,500 to ensure proper placement and maintenance of erosion controls.

Was made by Commissioner Heffler
Seconded by Commissioner Phillips
The motion carried and the vote was unanimous.

Appl. #09-24P – South Windsor Stone and Landscaping, LLC – 287 Strong Road – Conservation Plan/Erosion & Sedimentation Control application only.  65,340 SF +/- (1.5 acres) of disturbance for the construction of a new garden center and associated building, storage units, parking and utilities.  Clean fill, if any is required, will be used in the construction of the site.  Industrial (I) Zone.

Motion to: adjourn the meeting at 8:20 pm
Was made by: Commissioner Phillips
Seconded by: Commissioner Heffler
The motion carried and the vote was unanimous.
Respectfully Submitted,

Donna Thompson  
Recording Secretary

Approved June 3, 2009